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For anyone who has decided to take a cruise through the Three Gorges area of the Yangtze River, it is important to get a general knowledge of the climate and weather in order to prepare properly. The Three Gorges region is within the sub-tropical climate area of Central Asia. However, the climate can be greatly affected by the geographic characteristics. The yearly average temperature is 18.4 °C (65.1 °F) with a range from the coldest month in January being 7.1°C (44.8 °F) to the hottest month in July being 29.3°C (84.7 °F).

Winds in the gorges area are relatively strong with fixed wind directions from either the east or west. Floating mists may also be hovering over the river due to the depth of the gorges and the lack of sunlight on the river. The Three Gorges area features four distinct seasons with distinct four seasons each showing the charm of the gorges in a different perspective. Spring, summer and autumn are the best seasons for a cruise, that is, from March to October. The weather changes dramatically in May and June, and rains frequently appear in July and August. September and October are usually rich with bright sunny days while winter is almost always characterized by continuous rain.

Health Requirement

A cruise can be quite demanding and it is vital that you are fit and healthy if you are to enjoy yourself and participate to the full. It should be noted that not all ports along the navigation route have adequate facilities for the disabled and there can be some problems in coping with wheelchairs. We recommend that travelers give full consideration to their health status and if in any doubt consult their medical practitioners prior to planning a cruise.

Some ship companies have special terms for health requirements, for example it is stipulated by the operators of the cruise ship Victoria that those who are either physically or psychologically disabled must be accompanied by a responsible adult who is 21 years of age or over. Women who are three months or more pregnant should not cruise, etc. Written applications should be made to the cruise ship company if special medical or other facilities are needed, before making a reservation on the ship.

There are various activities involved either on the cruise ships or along the shore. Excursions on Shennong Streams or other rivers are an exciting experience but please take any necessary precautions to avoid being seasick. However, if you are in a sound state there should be nothing to worry about. Do not over indulge yourself and remember that a good night's sleep and a healthy diet will help to combat any discomfort you may encounter. Consult your doctor, if in doubt, before the cruise and be sure to bring any medication you may require along with.

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