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Money Matters

The only legitimate currency allowed to circulate in China is the renmimbi (RMB) or the China Yuan (CNY). All foreign currencies should be exchanged to China Yuan before buying anything. The exchange rate and quoted price follow monetary data set by the Chinese government every day. For visitors traveling in China, traveler's checks provide great convenience, no matter if you arrive from European countries, America or Japan. Additionally, international credit cards are widely used in China.

If you are cruising the Yangtze River, the embarkation card that you obtained after your boarding can be used to pay your bill when you take leave (with an extra 15% service charge sometimes). Payment by cash or credit card is also acceptable, using MasterCard, American Express Card, Visa Card, Jcb Card, or Diners Card. Yangtze deluxe ships also provide exchange services; see Packing Smart.

Usually, it is a good idea to carry a small amount of par valued money in case you need to pay for tips or some personal items that you consume. As for tips, asking for a tip is not allowed in China, and if any guide or server refuses to offer help or creates difficulties by asking for a tip, you have the right to refuse payment. Complaints should be addressed to the ship's steward. However, you can freely offer a tip on your own and such a gesture is greatly appreciated.

Travel Insurance

We suggest that one should consider purchasing a travel insurance policy when planning your travel. You should be aware of your rights and benefits of the policy for travel insurance. Make sure that your policy covers unexpected circumstances. A reputable insurance company always provides a wide range of travel insurance plans, which are more than enough to meet your special needs.

In China, each legitimate travel agency takes the responsibility to have Travel Agencies' Liability Insurance. This covers unforeseen situations due to the fault of the agency. Thus the cost of damage or the injury to travelers will be compensated by the insurance policy. Note that Travel Agencies' Liability Insurance does not cover damages caused by the faults of the visitors themselves. In this case, travelers should consider buying other insurance for their protection in case some unpredicted situations arise; for instance, Accident Insurance as well as the Personal Liability Insurance etc.

Ships of the Yangtze River Cruises usually provide passengers with Travel Agencies' Liability Insurance, which is included in the ship's passage. However, you can choose to buy additional insurances by paying extra money for them. To prevent unnecessary lost, our travel agency will provide you with more information on China's insurance policies which you can choose to buy.

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