
Wanzhou District lies to the northeast of Chongqing, governing six counties including Fengjie County , Yunyang County and Wushan County . It covers an area of about 3,457 square kilometers (854,243 acres) with a population of about 1.7 million. Because of the Three Gorges Reservoir, Wanzhou was inundated partly by the ascended water level. However, the relocated people had made their new home safe and comfortable. Now, Wanzhou ranks as the second largest city in Chongqing Municipality and plays a significant role in terms of economy, policy and culture in this area.

Wanzhou District lies in the middle of the most popular tourist spot - the Three Gorges scenic area. The Port of Wanzhou, one of the biggest ports along the Yangtze River, is also a port where the Yangtze River cruise lines pass. Built in the year of 25, it became a busy port in the Northern and Southern Dynasty (420-581); the port of Wanzhou has long been established and plays an important role today. It is said that after the completion of the Three Gorges Project, 10,000-ton cargos are able to berth at, and pass through the port, all year round.

During your cruise along the Yangtze River, passengers will have a chance to experience the local bazaars at the when going on shore. Visitors can buy special local products at a low price such as fruits, vegetables and craftworks. Walking through the vibrant bazaar, you experience everyday life of the local people here.

Wanzhou has rich historical relics and has no lack of great natural resources, thus, this made it a great destination for holidaymakers. There are rich natural sceneries such as the Three Little Gorges, waterfalls, mountains and forests etc. Famous historical relics such as Precious Stone Fortress, Zhangfei Temple, Baidi City and many parks and towers found around the area, will make your exploration a great achievement.

Precious Stone Fortress

Downstream visitors on the Yangtze River come across a huge rock rising abruptly on the north bank of the river and it marks the location of the well-known scenic area Precious Stone Fortress (Shibaozhai), Zhongxian County.
Covered by luxuriantly grown grass and plants, a 12-tier wooden pavilion with a height of 56 meters (184 feet) is built against the mountain but exceeds its height by three tiers. The bottom nine tiers were originally built during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) while the top three tiers that exceed the mountain were constructed in 1956. Visitors reach the top of the mountain by climbing the stairs inside the pavilion. Steles and statues of Deities can be found on each floor with three sets of sculptures with each one retelling a story from history.

A temple named Lanruo Temple is located on the top in which is enshrined a general from the ancient Ba Kingdom. It was a tribe that was at its peak during the 21st century BC and the 11th century BC, during which they created a distinct Ba culture. Some sightseeing spots are in the surrounding area.

Because of the Three Gorges Reservoir, Shibaozhai became surrounded by the rising waters forming an island like a huge bonsai situated in the river. The twelve-tier pavilion has been renovated to retain its original charm. The original front gate of Shibaozhai would have been completely covered by the rising waters and the first step of the pavilion partially covered during 2009. Well-planned protection measures have been carried out over time and so Shibaozhai remains for your visit and appreciation.

Admission Fee: CNY 20
Opening Hours: 09:10 to 16:50
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