Yangtze Travel News

The 8th Three Gorges International Tourism Festival to Open on Sept.27th
The 8th Three Gorges International Tourism Festival will be held in Yichang Junyao International Plaza in September 27th. It is said that on that day the opening ceremony and a celebrating street-procession will be put on from 15:00 to 18:00 in the afternoon.
Especially the route of the street procession will be 1.1 miles long with 48 phalanxes. Among them  a group of floats displaying various cultural features of Three Gorges Bachu Area and that of oversea countries such as Brazilian Samba and South Pacific Hula Dance will be presented in the procession.

- 3:14 A.M. EST, Aug 22, 2007
Sichuan: Dongpo Cultural Festival to Open on Nov.18th
Meishan Municipal Government of Sichuan Province officially announced yesterday that the Dongpo Cultural Festival would be held on November 18th to celebrate the great litterateur Su Dongpo's 970th birth anniversary.
With Meishan City as his hometown Su Dongpo was one of the most outstanding litterateurs and painters in the Northern Song Dynasty (960 - 1127). Su Dongpo along with his father Su Xun and his younger brother Su Zhe was given the glorious title 'Three Su'. To commemorate them the local people had rebuilt Three Su's original residence as Three-Su Temple since the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644).
During the festival a large music drama on Su Dongpo's life will be firstly presented on the opening ceremony. Soon after will be the opening ceremony of the Three-Su Temple Memorial Hall and the Chinese Painting Exhibition. Other celebrating activities joined by the mass will also add color to this cultural festival.

- 4:01 A.M. EST, Aug 17, 2007
Pottery of Han Dynasty Exhibited at Chengdu Wenshu Workshop
On August 11th more than three hundred pottery treasures of the Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD) were exhibited at the Wenshu Fang (Workshop) in Chengdu. Now still on show this exhibition will last for a half month till August 26th.   
All these pottery treasures are first-class cultural relics that have been unearthed from different regions of Sichuan Province. For visitors' convenience the exhibits have been classified into eight categories including building and construction sculpture and painting figurine wares for the ceremony poultry and livestock traveling tools text and items for daily use displaying a three-dimensional picture of life in the Han Dynasty.

- 3:54 A.M. EST, Aug 14, 2007
Wuhan - Yichang Temporary Train Stops Service as of Yesterday
According to the Wuhan Railway Bureau Yichang section the L237/8 Wuhan-Yichang round-trip temporary train has stopped the service since yesterday August 9th.
Officially commenced on July 11th this train has alleviated the pressure of summer transportation. Recently due to the lack of passenger source its operation had to be ceased.

- 3:23 A.M. EST, Aug 10, 2007
Chengdu: Dujiangyan Irrigation Museum Completed on Aug. 8th
On August 8th a large museum based on the theme of irrigation - Dujiangyan Irrigation Museum in Chengdu Dujiangyan scenic area was completed.
As the first irrigation museum that has been built in Dujiangyan scenic area this museum not only contains traditional exhibits such as cultural relics pictures and models but is also equipped with modern high-tech means including sound light and electricity.
Once opened to the public visitors will be able to learn the historical evolvement of the civilizations of ancient Shu Kingdom and appreciate the rich water culture of Dujiangyan.

- 3:20 A.M. EST, Aug 10, 2007
Zhaotong - Lijiang Railway Starts to Built
Subtitle : 17 Hours' Journey from Chengdu to Lijiang
News on August 7th said that the construction of Zhaotong - Panzhihua - Lijiang railway project would soon be started. Once completed, visitors would be able to travel from Chengdu to Lijiang by through train, taking only 17 hours.

It is planned that the entire railway will be about 200 miles long and the time limit for this project will be no more than five years. Crossing three provinces, this new railway will provide much convenience for visitors traveling between Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan provinces.

- 3:46 A.M. EST, Aug 9, 2007
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